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Center of Land compensation

we are ELAW’s Center for Land Compensation.

ELAW’s Center for Land Compensation provides legal services in each stage of consultation, adjudication of expropriation, adjudication of objections, and administrative litigation in the case of expropriation of land, obstacles, and business compensation in urban planning facility projects, public housing site development, and redevelopment.
In addition, from the initial stage of land expropriation, we are doing our best to provide optimal legal services by listening to and communicating with the voices of the field in order to receive a fair evaluation of our customers' valuable assets by collaborating with the joint administrative offices.
Thank you.

Director of ELAW Center for Land Compensation

Attorney Hyun-ik Cho

Attorney Hyun-ik Cho

  • 토지보상, 부동산, 기업법무(회사법, 공정거래법, 증권관련법령),
    M&A, 조세소송, 일반 민사, 형사, 행정, 가사 등
  • 서울대학교 공법학과 졸업
  • 제47회 사법시험 합격, 제37기 사법연수원 수료
  • 법무법인 D.L.S 구성원 변호사
  • 법무법인 대아 구성원 변호사
  • 법무법인 이래 변호사
  • (주)GS홈쇼핑 법무팀장 겸 준법지원인
  • 법무법인 단천 변호사
  • 법무법인 이로 구성원 변호사
  • 현) 법무법인 이로 구성원 변호사(토지보상센터장)
  • 현) 서울특별시 영등포구 법률고문(토지보상, 도시계획, 건축 부문)
  • 현) ㈜디오 사외이사
  • 현) ㈜테라클(e-learning) 사외이사
  • 현) ㈜액트너랩(창업기획사) 법률멘토
  • 현) 학교법인 금헌학원 이사
  • 전) 서울신문명라이온스클럽 회장
  • 전) 강남구특별법률고문
  • 전) 서울지방국세청 조세범칙조사심의위원
  • ※ 부동산, 토지보상 자문경력
  • 부동산, 건설, 시행 - ㈜킴스이십일, ㈜킴스앤우리파트너스, ㈜해동플러스,
    ㈜동아비앤에이치, ㈜STS도시개발
  • 재개발, 재건축 조합 다수 자문
  • 도시계획시설사업, 재개발 등 토지보상 소송 업무 등 다수 진행
  • 관련 부동산 소송 다수 진행

Compensation criteria

Compensation for land Based on the official land price of standard lot at the time of business recognition
Calculated by comprehensively evaluating the location, shape, environment, and usage status of the land
Compensation for buildings, etc. Compensation at the acquisition price when relocation is significantly difficult, such as the structure, use condition, area, durability, usefulness, transferability, etc. of a building, or the transfer cost exceeds the acquisition price
Compensation for operating loss Compensation of evaluation amount such as operating loss and facility relocation expenses due to business suspension or closure
(Accidental expenses such as loss due to business suspension, loss of operating profit, fixed expenses, relocation expenses, and amount equivalent to facility damage)
Agricultural loss compensation
(Self-cultivating farmer, actual farmer)
2 years' worth of crop income per unit of cultivated area on average per year of farm households by province
Average of 2 years' worth of total crop income for 3 years immediately preceding annual farm household average per unit of cultivated area by province since April 28, 2015
Livestock compensation Compensation for loss from business suspension, facility relocation, livestock transportation, etc. by applying the operating loss compensation mutatis mutandis
However, if the number of animals is less than the standard number, only facility and livestock relocation costs are paid.

Compensation procedure

Main business

  • Compensation advisory consulting

  • Claim for adjudication of acceptance

  • Land and property investigation review,
    appraisal report analysis consulting

  • Review of operating loss and transfer cost,
    analysis of appraisal report

  • Preparation/submission of adjudication of
    acceptance, adjudication of objection, expert opinion

  • Compensation increase litigation consulting

  • Residual land compensation consulting

  • Administrative litigation business

  • 변호사 조현익

  • 변호사 김민철

  • 과장 김안나

  • 대표행정사 박철현

  • 행정사 박준범

  • 행정사 김두영

  • 행정사 윤준호

  • 보상사업본부 이사 이상호

  • 보상사업본부 부장 강재구

  • 보상사업본부 부장 전영배

  • 영남지역 본부장 윤병한

  • 경영지원본부 이사 박수하

  • 경영지원본부 차장 김혜원

  • 경영지원본부 대리 장윤정

  • 보상사업본부 대리 정연학